Available Services and Costs
New Clients
BREAST SCREENING: Medical infrared thermal imaging for breast screening is available to the general public without having to become a patient of the Carolina Center.
Breast Thermal Imaging
8 Views- Clients undergoing scans in our Raleigh location may request a brief (15 to 20 minute) consultation with Dr. Pittman following your scan to review your health history and the findings of the scan.
- The cost for the medical consultation is an additional $192.
- If you are interested in scheduling for October, don’t forget to ask about our Breast Cancer Awareness Month Discount!
Patient Information
Please complete the following:
(Imaging forms for alternate body parts may be requested as needed)
Prep Instruction Form
Consent & Acknowledgement Form
Privacy Policy
Consultation Request Form
(Available on select Fridays in Raleigh in person, or via Zoom, as available)
*Necessary for all imaging except for Breast Imaging
Medical Records Request Form
Pricing/CPT codes/Tax ID Form
Encounter Information For Billing and Insurance Purposes
Service Locations:
Review Your Scan With a Certified Thermologist
Medical Consultation
- For those individuals with specific health concerns for which they are seeking additional information by thermal imaging, clinical correlation is highly recommended.
- Clients undergoing scans in our Raleigh location may request a 20-minute consultation with Dr. Pittman following your scan to review your health history and the findings of the scan, as well as to discuss any further evaluation or possible treatment recommendations.
- Additional testing can be ordered if needed and follow-up will be provided to insure any issues related to the findings of this scan are managed.
- There is an additional $192 charge for this physician encounter, however be aware that if any significant issues arise for which more extensive evaluation or treatment needs to be provided, it may be necessary to schedule a longer visit.
- Please let our staff know which type visit you would like to schedule. Clients in Wilmington/Greensboro can also schedule a consultation but it may be scheduled on a different day than your scan.
Additional Scans
Screening for other body regions is available but can only be provided within the context of a medical encounter in order to provide an accurate interpretation. These views include the following with prices reflecting the additional $192 consultation fee.
Clients requesting this consultation will become a patient of the Carolina Center for Integrative Medicine, P.A., the medical practice of John C. Pittman, M.D., Certified Thermologist, who will interpret your scan.
Abdomen & Lower Back
$165 for scan + $192 for consultationHead & Neck
$225 for scan + $192 for consultationFull Body Screening
Includes 10% Discount“For years, I’ve been looking for a test to offer my patients who refuse mammograms. Some are concerned about cumulative radiation and complications from compression, and others have personal reasons for refusing this test. Yet, to do nothing is to put their heads in the sand, and this doesn’t save lives… I found in my research, and personally, that thermography can help a woman take a possible pre-cancerous condition and turn it around. It supports mammography and provides additional information. Prevention is the gold standard of health care. In my opinion, breast thermography should be part of every woman’s yearly exam to help prevent breast cancer, and for early detection.”
“Women need to know that breast thermography is a promising and safe technology that is a welcome addition to helping women create breast health.”
“Infrared imaging, based more on process than structural changes, and requiring neither contact, compression, radiation nor venous access, provides pertinent and practical complimentary information to both clinical examination and mammography. Quality controlled abnormal infrared images heighten our index of suspicion in cases where clinical or mammographic findings are equivocal or nonspecific and signal the need for further investigation rather than observation. With the addition of infrared imaging, our sensitivity of image detection has increased from 83% to 93%.”
“Every woman should include breast thermography as part of their regular breast heath care. I have recommended the use of this technology extensively over the years in my newsletter. Thermography has the unique ability to “map” the individual thermal fingerprint of a woman’s breasts. Any change in this map over the course of months and years can signal an early indication of possible tumors or other abnormalities. In fact, studies have shown that an abnormal infrared image is the single most important indicator of high risk for developing breast cancer.”

4505 Fair Meadow Lane, Suite 111 Raleigh, NC 27607
5725 Oleander Drive, Suite B-5 Wilmington, NC 28403
7-C Corporate Center Ct Greensboro, NC 27408
To schedule an appointment in Raleigh, Wilmington or Greensboro...
Email: kelly@carolinacenter.com
You can also call (919) 781-6999 to schedule.